Which product is right for you?
If you’re unsure if you should use Canopy or Canopy Perform — or both — here’s our recommendation based on your leadership journey so far…
For First-time Managers
If you’re a new manager, first-time manager, or manager without any formal training…
We highly recommend starting with Canopy to gain a foundation of knowledge as a leader. (Once your team grows to 5 people or more and you’re ready to start applying the best practices you’ve learned team-wide, then we recommend using Canopy Perform).
For Leaders of Growing Teams
If you’re a leader with a team of 5 people or more…
You’ll benefit from applying best practices around 1:1 meetings, status updates, and performance feedback with your team. As a result, we recommend using Canopy Perform).
For High-Growth Organizations
If you’re a leader at an organization looking to support your new managers…
We recommend starting with Canopy for Teams to establish shared leadership frameworks organization-wide. (Then, a few months later, when your managers are ready to start applying their learnings, we recommend introducing Canopy Perform to your team.)