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Reference our every-growing library of leadership case studies

Learn from fellow leader’s real-life situations and what they wish they would’ve done differently…

Managing conflict well.

Tactics on how to manage conflict well on your team.

Setting boundaries with a peer.

Tactics on how to set boundaries and expectations with a peer who is overstepping.

Team won't ask for feedback.

Tactics on how to make feedback a part of the work process, so that it doesn't unintentionally end up being shared after the work is completely done.

Developing goals for my team.

Tips on how to set goals for your team.

Colleagues don't understand what I do.

Suggestions on how to connect with peers who unintentionally belittle your work because they don't understand your role or how it connects to the overall team/organization.

Feeling undervalued as a high performer. 

Actions to take when you are feeling undervalued on your team or in your organization.

Team member feels too much pressure.

Strategies on how to address a team member that is really stressed out and not dealing well under pressure.

Can speed be coached?

Tactics on how to discuss speed on tasks and projects with your employees.

How do I ask for more staff?

Strategies for how to approach the topic of adding staff and increasing your team.

How to coach when I'm not involved in the day-to-day?

Tactics on how to best coach when you are removed from the daily operations of the team.

My team feels like it doesn't need me.

Understanding how to best support a team of top performers.

My team members needs to think bigger.

Strategies on how to help our team elevate their thinking, and look towards the bigger picture.

And many more…

“I am stunned by what I learn.”

Allison Wasilewski, Director of Operations at Arrival Artists

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