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From The Heartbeat Podcast: A chat with Ben Congleton
Ben Congleton is the CEO and Co-founder of Olark, a live chat platform with 12,000+ customers worldwide. Most recently, Ben was in the news for his incredible email he wrote to an employee regarding mental health. From his initial start at Y Combinator back in 2009, Ben shares the biggest lesson he learned along the way in this interview.
Transcript of the interview is here.
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Emailing While You’re on Vacation Is a Quick Way to Ruin Company Culture
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Processing My Struggle With Depression And Imposter Syndrome in Silicon Valley
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“We went out and hired a bunch of professional management. It didn’t work at all. Most of them were bozos.”Published in Quartz
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10 Principles of Strategic Leadership
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Just for fun
The power of believing you can improve
A TED talk by Carol Dweck on growth mindset – something that Ben Congleton, our Heartbeat guest, mentioned. Carol’s talk has been watched almost 7 million times.