Tip: Team or Ego

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Team or Ego

Of all the leadership tips, “leaning into your strengths” has got to be one of the most frequently cited. But have you ever considered that doing what you’re good at is actually hurting your team, not helping?

For example, let’s say that you are really good at getting things done. When you were an individual contributor, this was something you were often praised for. So, now as a leader, you are doing the same thing: Pushing ahead and making things happen. Unfortunately, this also means people overly depend on you to get things done. So if you take a vacation, for instance, productivity completely stops. People are stuck because you were leaning into your strengths too much.

So, you have to ask yourself: Are my actions feeding my team, or my ego? Am I doing things just because I think I'm good at them, or am I trying to help my team get better?

We can’t, and shouldn’t, constantly default to our own strengths. Instead, build up your team members' confidence and capabilities so they don't have to overly rely on us. Take time this week to consider how you can place your team above your ego.

Claire Lew

CEO of Canopy

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